
Annual Plan – 7th Grade

(Subject to Change)

Groups using Just Imagine + Grammar Worksheets 5

Semester I

Just Imagine – Units 1-3

Grammar Worksheets 5 – Units 1, 2

Semester II

Just Imagine – Units 4-5

Grammar Worksheets 5 – Units 3, 4

Each semester: one book report, one test, several quizzes and/or creative assignments

Students will become familiar with different types of texts (articles, stories, blogs, poems, webpages, interviews, etc.) studying their structures, main ideas, supporting details and interpreting information from visual data. They will learn to answer questions using LOTS (lower order thinking skills) and HOTS (higher order thinking skills). They will deepen their understanding of grammar rules and usage. Students will practice their listening skills by listening to various types of broadcast and they will develop their writing skills while responding to stimulating prompts.

Students will be required to participate in the lessons, interact with each other, work in groups and individually. They are also expected to hand in assignments on time.

Teachers will do everything to ensure a successful and enriching school year.